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Delta Care x WW Wellness Series
Delta has partnered with WW (Weight Watchers® Reimagined) to further encourage our members to improve their health. WW is a key ally to enhance current Physical & Mental Health initiatives to give Sorors access to personalized resources and tools to achieve their wellness goals. Learn more about our strategic partnership with Weight Watchers to inspire holistic wellness for Sorority members.
The Wellness Partnership Includes:
- Exclusive 25% discount on all memberships through December 31, 2021
- Information and resources via email blasts and social content
- Nutrition and fitness education to build healthier lifestyles
- Partnership with the Physical and Mental Health Subcommittee to inspire programing to encourage the wellness journey and more!
- Donations towards Sorority scholarships and programmatic activities </li?
Soror Showcase
Watch to learn more about how WW is helping Sorors in their wellness journey.
National President & CEO: Beverly Smith
Dr. Charlotte Freeman, Member, DST National PP&D, Physical and Mental Health Sub-Committee
Check out the latest WW + DST Soror Showcase video featuring Soror Freeman as she shares her inspiring healthy living journey and the amazing results she’s achieved since joining WW. Interested in signing up? Visit WW.com/DST and take advantage of a 25% monthly discount, exclusively for members of DST.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_featured_box heading_text=”DIGITAL ASSETS” content_text=”Access to App & Website with easy-to-use tools to help you reach your goals, such as private DST Connect Group” heading_color=”#910811″ content_color=”#444444″ graphic_color=”#000000″ graphic_background_color=”#ffffff” graphic_size=”65″ show_button=”show” button_text=”Learn More” href=”https://weightwatcherscx.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6i0VvgRGef49EQl” open_link_in_new_tab=”yes” icon=”fas fa-tv”][vc_featured_box heading_text=”MEAL SUPPORT” content_text=”Search 94,000+ restaurant foods and WW recipes with our SmartPoints calculated for you, so you don’t have to miss out!” heading_color=”#910811″ content_color=”#444444″ graphic_color=”#000000″ graphic_background_color=”#ffffff” graphic_size=”65″ show_button=”show” button_text=”EXPLORE WHAT YOU CAN EAT” href=”https://www.weightwatchers.com/us/food” open_link_in_new_tab=”yes” icon=”fas fa-utensils”][vc_featured_box heading_text=”PERSONAL COACHING” content_text=”Craft a personalized action plan with weekly 1:1 phone calls & unlimited messages.” heading_color=”#910811″ content_color=”#444444″ graphic_color=”#000000″ graphic_background_color=”#ffffff” graphic_size=”65″ show_button=”show” button_text=”GET STARTED” href=”https://www.weightwatchers.com/us/dst#/scrollto/slice-id–150121″ open_link_in_new_tab=”yes” icon=”fas fa-trophy”][vc_empty_space height=”52px”][vc_column_text]
Follow DSTxWW for the latest
[/vc_column_text][social_vc_father align=”center”][social_vc_son url=”https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/dstxww” icon=”fab fa-facebook-f” clr=”#ffffff” bgclr=”#910811″ hoverclr=”#ffffff” hoverbg=”#c69c56″][social_vc_son url=”https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/dstxww/” icon=”fab fa-instagram” clr=”#ffffff” bgclr=”#910811″ hoverclr=”#ffffff” hoverbg=”#c69c56″][social_vc_son url=”https://twitter.com/search?q=DSTxWW” icon=”fab fa-twitter” clr=”#ffffff” bgclr=”#910811″ hoverclr=”#ffffff” hoverbg=”#c69c56″][/social_vc_father][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_text_separator title=”As a DST member, you have access to three weekly live Virtual Workshops led by WW Coaches, who are fellow Deltas!” style=”double”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_featured_box heading_text=”with Coach Soror Audrey W” content_text=”Wednesdays 6:30pm ET” heading_color=”#222222″ content_color=”#910811″ graphic=”image” graphic_size=”” image=”2946″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_featured_box heading_text=”with Coach Soror Trudie J” content_text=”Thursdays 8:30pm ET” heading_color=”#222222″ content_color=”#910811″ graphic=”image” graphic_size=”” image=”2948″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_featured_box heading_text=”with Coach Soror Ayana C” content_text=”Saturdays 3:30pm ET” heading_color=”#222222″ content_color=”#910811″ graphic=”image” graphic_size=”” image=”2949″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
Visit the Weight Watchers site for more details on upcoming workshops