Charitable Partners (CPs) are non-profit organizations that collaborate with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated (DST) to support important domestic and global concerns. Organizations vary in size and scope of operations but share a common bond in their commitment to remove barriers. They address disparities in areas ranging from health and wellness to social, economic, and educational concerns within communities of color, particularly focusing on African Americans. Charitable Partners offer a plethora of programs and resources and sponsor annual fundraisers to raise awareness and educate communities of color, particularly focusing on the African American population.
To help it achieve its programmatic thrust and enhance its ability to transform lives through an uncompromising commitment to service, leadership and empowerment, DST has found it essential to enter partnership with organizations that exemplify the tenets of DST.
Charitable Partners and the Sorority maintain a strong commitment to collaboration and inclusion in fulfilling the vision and mission of their partnerships.
Charitable Partners provide an array of opportunities for alumnae and collegiate engagement. Many of the programs and services of our Charitable Partners align nicely with our five-point programmatic thrusts, thus, providing chapters with opportunities to partner on special initiatives and make a greater impact. Programs such as those listed in the calendar of events are specific to the mission and goals of individual partner organizations. Members benefit from the wide range of printed and electronic/digital information and resources, webinars, and leadership opportunities that are made available at no cost to chapters.
Charitable Partners have also created special initiatives to increase the participation of collegiates. Such programs include but are not limited to scholarships, internships, leadership and employment opportunities, and chapter grant applications. These programs can be especially helpful to collegiate. Other ways to participate with these organizations is through walk-a-thons, volunteering, awareness building, and fundraising. By participating in these activities, collegiates can raise awareness about issues that are most common among college age students.
Fundraising is an important part of our contributions to Charitable Partners. Through chapter donations from events such as Relay for Life, Walk/Run, NICU Homecoming projects and other special fundraising initiatives, funds are used to help advance research and innovation, purchase equipment, develop educational materials, provide support to children and families, plus much more. The result is far reaching and impactful to communities in need.
The Charitable Partners are working hard to establish dedicated giving links so that your donations can be accurately tracked and counted as coming from Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Please continue to check back periodically for the links and other key information on giving efforts.
Sorors, we are here to help you!
Please use for each of the following Charitable Partner Liaisons who are your primary points of contact for information about Charitable Partnerships.
Please contact the liaisons from Program Planning and Development at for programmatic support.
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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Strategic Partnerships Task Force
Charitable Partners Subcommittee
Are chapters required to coordinate each of the five programmatic thrusts?
No, Chapters are not required to coordinate all of the five programmatic thrusts. The intention for programming is more focused on the quality and impact of the program v. the quantity of programs offered. Realizing that Chapters vary in size and resources, it is highly recommended that Chapters select programs they can do well based on the needs of the community and resources of the chapter.
Are chapters required to adopt Charitable Partner programs?
Chapters are not required to participate in all programs sponsored by Charitable Partners; however, they are strongly encouraged to adopt those initiatives that closely align with their annual programs.
Are chapters required to have a Charitable Partners chair?
Chapters are not required to have a Charitable Partner (CP) Chair. Chapters can determine the best allocation of human resources, thus, assigning a chair or combining this responsibility with the chair of another committee.
How can members get involved?
Members can get involved by supporting chapter initiatives. Chapters are encouraged to participate in any one or more of the Charitable Partner programs on an annual basis. Support is defined by participating in annual events/programs, sharing educational and awareness information, making a financial contribution, etc.
On an annual basis, the national Program. Planning and Development (PPD) Committee provides guidance on the various programs and initiatives of Charitable Partners via informz messages, social media announcements, etc. PPD liaisons are also available to assist chapters in aligning CP goals with programmatic thrusts. PPD liaisons can be reached at A listing of PPD liaisons is also available on the Charitable Partners web page.
What are the benefits of collegiate participation?
Several of our Charitable Partners created special internship opportunities and leadership development programs for collegiates. For more information, check the CP web page section on “What’s in it for Me (Collegiates)?”
What is the process for making a chapter donation to any one or more of the Charitable Partners?
Chapters are strongly encouraged to use the designated giving link for each organization when making donations. Designated giving links are included on the CP web page.
Charitable Partners are in the process of developing a direct giving link for DST to assist with tracking donations.
What is the impact of dollars raised by chapters? How are funds used?
Funds raised by individual chapters are used to further research, provide direct support, enhance education and awareness initiatives, and expand resources.
For detailed information about the impact of fundraised donations, see the organization’s website that is located on the CP web page.
What are typical activities or events that result from partnerships?
A listing of signature events for each of the Charitable Partners can be found on the web page, in addition to a link to calendar events (add link to calendar here).
Who do we contact if we would like more information on how to partner with DST?
Each one of our eight Charitable Partners is assigned a Charitable Partner liaison. You may contact them directly or email See the web page for names and contact information of liaisons
Where do we go to find out more information on DST’s existing partners?
Check out the Charitable Partners web page on the National Website. To access, go to and follow the instructions below.